While taking a moment to scroll through Instagram one day, I was attracted to a photo of a lovely woman wearing a natural flowing wrap style pant and a matching top that caught my attention. The outfit looked stunning on her, and I thought it would be perfect for my customers in Todos Santos at Desert Fox Baja.

I reached out to Mariana and Regina, the sister design team and founders of Paralia, based in Guadalajara, Mexico. I was impressed by their passion, dedication, incredible customer service, and beautiful designs. I placed an order immediately, it arrived very quickly, and truly my customers are as in love as I am!
This is how Mariana and Regina describe their inspiration, in thier own words, for Paralia...
Thier manifesto (en espanol)
"Buscamos crear aquello que realce el brillo que vive dentro tÃ."
"To seek to create that which enhances the brilliance that lives within you".
How beautiful. Que Hermoso.

Sisters and Partners
"Somos Mariana y Regina, hermanas y socias. Ambas amantes de la moda y consientes de ella. PARALIA nace en el 2019 con la necesidad de ofrecer ropa para la playa, bonita, en tendencia sobre todo cómoda y que se sientan seguras Ropa ligera y fresca que puedas usar en climas tropicales para cualquier ocasión. "
"We are Mariana and Regina, sisters and partners.We are both fashion lovers and fashion conscious. PARALIA was born in 2019 when we saw the need to offer beach clothing that is beautiful, on-trend, especially comfortable and that makes people feel safe. We envisioned light and fresh clothing that you can wear in tropical climates for any occasion. "

""Asà que comenzamos la etapa creativa, investigación de tendencias y el diseño de las prendas nuestra parte favorita. Buscábamos diseños que no encontráramos en las tiendas convencionales. Nos inspiramos la naturaleza, el mar y sus paisajes. Y sobre todo piezas únicass, siempre pensando en todas las mujeres, su fuerza y brillo."
"So we began the creative stage, researching trends and designing the garments, which is our favorite part. We wished to offer designs that we couldn't find in conventional stores. We are inspired by nature, the sea and its landscapes. And above all unique pieces, always thinking of all women, their strength and brilliance."

"Queremos brindarles la prenda perfecta para la playa, encontrar el estilo ideal, donde te sientas libre y sobre todo auténtica es lo más importante para nosotras. Es por eso que personalizamos las piezas a la medida de cada una."
"We want to provide you with the perfect garment for the beach, finding the ideal style, where you feel free and above all authentic, is the most important thing for us. That is why we personalize the pieces to suit each one."

"Trabajamos con telas artesanales 100% algodón, conscientes del trabajo justo de nuestras trabajadoras, preocupadas por el medio ambiente y tratamos de generar el menor impacto utilizando bolsas compostables y 0 plástico."
"We use 100% cotton handmade fabrics, prioritize fair work practices for our workers, and minimize environmental impact by utilizing compostable bags and 0 plastic."
(Mariana and Regina)

Supporting female operated and owned business is important to us, epecially those that are committed to sustainable product innovation and a heartfelt wish to make this world a better place for everyone.
Saludos to ALL the makers and doers who care about people and our earth!
Stop by when you are in Todos Santos - we are ready to help YOU find YOUR Mexican beach style!
XXOO Angie and team